What kind of security measures are in place at a music festival?

Safety at an event is absolutely essential regardless of size. While smaller events can be made do with a couple of guards or just event staff if it's a small, free event, the vast majority of events and festivals require a comprehensive security plan.

What kind of security measures are in place at a music festival?

Safety at an event is absolutely essential regardless of size. While smaller events can be made do with a couple of guards or just event staff if it's a small, free event, the vast majority of events and festivals require a comprehensive security plan. Below you'll find a guide on how to create your own and what to consider. Most festivals already have good safety and security plans in place.

We need to think innovatively. Bring someone from outside your area to see things from a different point of view. Don't discard last year's plan if it worked, just adjust it to account for new contingencies. Sadly, the horrible mass shootings at the Las Vegas music festival are a cause for concern, especially for event organizers who work on these types of events.

With so many potential visitors to a big music festival, it's also inevitable that some security issues will arise. As “Eventline” noted earlier this week, the terrible attack on attendees of a Las Vegas country music festival 11 days ago made the event industry struggle to rethink how it keeps guests safe. The normal route for larger festivals is to outsource their security requirements and manage this service together with festival volunteers and local police. If you're going to organize the concert inside a relatively small building, for example, you won't need as many security guards as you'll need if you're going to organize a large outdoor music festival in a very large venue.

Most music festival organizers always have strong safety processes and procedures in place early in the planning process.

Kristie Bocklage
Kristie Bocklage

Subtly charming internet expert. Incurable internet junkie. Award-winning music ninja. Extreme twitter evangelist. Subtly charming web maven. Devoted zombie trailblazer.

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